Old Rotor Performance!

Last updated - 07/07/2006

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Favorite Links

Favorite Links:

Below are a few links that I regularly visit because they have the most valuable information &also have good pictures & videos.

Remember: I regularly change the content on my site and make updates to the information that I display. Constantly check in to see updated Info!

Favourite Sites
mik20bracing My best friends web site. Check out pics & details on his RX3.
Ross's Rotor Site On this site ross shows off his 10A RX3 sedan that now has a 12A turbo.
Chat with other rotor fans. Heaps of pics and websites.
Just Rotorz cool site thats just rotorz

blown13b A good site that shows Scott's supercharged RX4
Lycos One of the most visited hubs on the Internet reaching one out of every two web users.
InfoSeek GO Network is a new brand that brings together the very best of the Internet in one, easy to use place.