Old Rotor Performance!

Last updated - 07/07/2006

Whats New Page

RX3 Specs

Burnouts Pics

Pics of Drag Cars

Pics of My RX3

Catalog Page

Various Rotors

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Original pics R100

Original pics RX2

Original pics RX3

Weird Rotors

Rotor Motors

Contact Page

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Contact Me

Let me know what you thought of my site.
Your feedback will be helpful in letting me know what you would like me to put on my site and what you dont like!

Peter Fasogiannis
If you have any questions at all or you would like me to put a pic of your car on this site please send me an email to the address below.

Email me at:

Keep in contact with this site for continual updates with pictures of rotaries from car shows and friends.